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Godhood Advantages

These have the same rules as normal advantages but cost more (see Advantages).

Each advantage is listed by name and type. There is also a trait listed that this advantage is an upgrade of, followed by cost then a description of the advantage's benefits.

Table: Godhood Advantages

Advantage Effect
Beyond Mortal You are immune to lesser effects.
Let There Be Your create can make anything.
Luck of the Gods Spend Victory points to do the impossible.
Omnipresent You are everywhere.
Omniscient You know everything.
Perfect Focus You have perfect multitasking.
Stay Like That Make a temporary effect permanent.
Supreme Gain a large number of ranks in a lesser power.
Variable Modifier You no longer need to buy modifiers.
Your Petty Rules Don't Apply to Me Your powers have limitless potential.

Beyond Mortal (General)

Power: Selective ImmunityCost: 50 points • Ranked? No

You can choose to be immune to any power or effect that is of a lower Transcendence than you (nature is considered Transcendence -1). This is based on your Transcendence at full HP. The default for this Advantage is immune so that if you are unaware you will be immune. This makes some forms of Immunity obsolete since you are no longer affected by the environment such as suffocation, fire, and poison. Although Immunity will still protect you from something of equal Transcendence. Note that being immune to gravity means you will not take damage nor be pulled in by it, this allows you to remain stationary although Flight is still required to move away.

Let There Be (General)

Power: Precise CreateCost: 40 points • Ranked? No

When you use Create you can create anything regardless of complexity and composition. You can even create life, stars, universes, dimensions, and timelines. You are still required to understand how it works before you can create it (see Omniscient below). Powers gained from A God I Am and Supreme gain the benefits of this Advantage. When creating a universe can choose it to wrap around or for it to have a wall or some kind of boundary but any other rules and law of physics require the Reality Warp power. For reference our universe has about volume rank 92 which would cost 37 points in Supreme Create. You can't use this to create anyone with super powers and they will all be either Transcendence -1 or 0. However these creations are still temporary to get around this see Stay Like That below

Luck Of The Gods (Fortune)

Power: Luck ControlCost: 5 points • Ranked? No

Your luck is so great that the universe seems to be conspiring with you to control fate. You must have the last option of Luck Control before taking this, the odds are instead to 1 in 10 billion for a single victory point, for 2 victory points you can make the impossible happen, and for 3 victory points you can make the impossible happen in convenient ways. The GM can increase the victory points required if you are using it to ruin the story, if the final cost is more than 5 then you can't do it at all.

Example: The mayor of the city confronts Mr. Impossible to repair the city of damages incurred by the fight that was just concluded. To answer this Mr. Impossible spends 1 victory point to buy a lottery ticket which he gives to the mayor assuring that it will be the winner which the mayor finds out later to be true.

Example: Mr. Impossible needs to get ahold of the space metal known as Adamantium. The GM tells the player that for 2 victory points a repository of the metal will be discovered somewhere on Earth today and with some research you can find out where. Mr. Impossible decides that this isn't good enough and instead spends 3 victory points to have a harmless meteor crash down right now landing within 5 feet of where he is currently standing. He could have it land within the palm of his hand if he were able to catch it without taking damage.

Example: Mr. Impossible knows of a giant solar flare coming straight towards Earth threatening to kill millions of people. He decides that it would be "impossible" but convenient for an inter-dimensional ripple to suddenly pass through and disrupt the flare. The GM charges 2 more victory points, for a total of 5, because the player is getting lazy and over relying on his God-like luck.

Omnipresent (General)

Power: InsubstantialCost: 5 points per rank • Ranked? Yes • Max rank: 3

You don't exist in the universe so much as the universe IS you. Teleport and time travel among others become obsolete since you can interact with any part of yourself at any time. There are some areas that you might not exist in depending on your rank:

  • 1 rank: You exist everywhere in this universe and at every time up to the present.
  • 2 ranks: You now also exist in every universe, dimension, timelines etc.
  • 3 ranks: You now also exist in every possible future.

Note that this advantage doesn't give you the ability to observe everything within yourself nor know everything within yourself. For those see Perfect Focus and Omniscient. You may interact with any number of places at the same time but this is useless unless you can handle simultaneous information.

Omniscient (Skill)

Skill: Knowledge • Cost: 5 points per rank • Ranked? Yes • Max rank: 5

You automatically pass any Knowledge or Memory based check depending on rank in Omniscient:

  • 1 rank: You have perfect memory that can only be changed by characters of equal or higher Transcendence. You also know everything about everything around you at a maximum of distance rank 24 radius (64k miles) but only knowledge of the present. This includes knowing everything in everyone's mind including memories but does not actually see into the past for things that no one remembers or knows about. You also know everything about yourself since you are within the radius at all times (assuming you are not larger than the radius).
  • 2 ranks: Your knowledge radius has expanded to distance rank 48 (0.2 light-years which is about 320 times the radius of Pluto's average distance from the sun: ie a lot bigger than the solar system). Additionally your knowledge can now also see into the past up to time rank 33 (1600 years).
  • 3 ranks: Your knowledge radius has expanded to the entire universe and goes back to the dawn of time.
  • 4 ranks: Your knowledge expands to all universes, dimensions, timelines etc not just the one you are currently in.
  • 5 ranks: Your knowledge expands to all possible futures.

This power never allows you to read the minds of characters with equal to or more Transcendence than yourself although you can observe whatever they do (and might possibly do). Note that alternate timelines are simply alternate presents (with alternate pasts) as opposed to possible futures which haven't occurred yet to confirm which one is mainstream (ie the timeline you are on). A character with 5 ranks can easily determine which future will occur based on what everyone is going to do but only if there are no other equal to or higher Transcendence characters to change the situation. You can see all the possible futures based on your own actions too.

Perfect Focus (General)

Power: Mental FissionCost: 5 points • Ranked? No

You have perfect multitasking: you can give an infinite number of things 100% of your attention. This does not affect concentration duration. You have an infinite number of subminds. Each submind has its own surface thoughts, have the same intelligence as the overall mind, and all connect to the overall mind. Since the overall mind has information from each of them you can make decisions based on each. This is not multiple personalities although each submind has their own surfaces thoughts which causes problems for any mind reader. If a mind reader only gets one degree of success then they can't hear anything over the cacophony of an infinite amount of surface thoughts at the same time. If a mind reader gets more than 1 degree of success then they can read any of the surface thoughts of their choice or any combination thereof.

Stay Like That (General)

Power: AnyCost: 15 points • Ranked? No

You can make a temporary effect last indefinitely. When taking this advantage choose a power that has Continuous duration and does not have Personal range, that power's duration becomes Instant and its effects do not wear off. You may choose Reality Warp for this if possible. You can't apply this to Phantom Ranks or Variable (including A God I Am). You can't apply this to any form of movement or any feature that wouldn't make sense. Nullify can still counter these powers but can no longer end them since they are not considered ongoing. Illusions created can still be overcome with a Will defense check but will linger for any new characters to the scene. For Growth and Shrinking: you can't increase a target's size beyond your Growth rank -2 and you can't decrease its size beyond (-2 - Shrinking rank). You can also apply this to Mind Switch, Mental Transform, and Weaken in such cases the effects do not wear off. In the case of Enhanced Trait you can bestow powers to anyone or revoke them with a permanent Weaken. (Note: Weaken can't currently target character points or powers).

Supreme (General)

Power: AnyCost: 1 point per rank • Ranked? Yes • Max rank: None

You are very powerful at using a particular power. When taking this advantage choose a power, you gain 5 points to use for that power but it has 1 less Transcendence.

Variable Modifier (General)

Power: None • Cost: 35 points • Ranked? No

You can use any combination of modifiers on any power you have at any time. You may have to stop using an effect before you can change its modifier depending on the change. Any modifiers you add or remove are free (the 35 points you've already paid covers the costs), this includes changing duration and range. The one exception is that you can't get Innate with this instead use Phantom Ranks you also can't change the modifiers of Innate effects unless you buy this again as Innate. The cost is actually much cheaper than it should be and that's one reason why it can only be used by God-like characters. Powers gained from A God I Am gain the benefits of this Advantage.

Your Petty Rules Don't Apply To Me (General)

Power: None • Cost: 50 points • Ranked? No

You are no longer bound by limitations imposed by power level: powers, attacks, skills and defenses no longer have a maximum rank and there is no longer a minimum wait time between revivals for reviving yourself or others of lower Transcendence.

If you die anyone may attempt to revive you ignoring the amount of time that has passed since your last revival. Likewise if you have (temporarily or permanently) Immortality of a rank higher than the normal maximum you may benefit from it. You may also attempt to revive anyone of lower Transcendence ignoring the time since their last revival. The power check for revival is still performed normally in any case.

Powers have no maximum rank even if the maximum was not based on power level. The maximum rank of advantages are unaffected. All other rules still apply. All of your powers gain the benefits of this Advantage even ones gained from A God I Am or from someone else's power that has an Affects others modifier.

If a character gains a power that is above the normal maximum rank but does not have this advantage they instead can only use the power as though it had maximum rank.