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Example Powers

Below is a table of example powers. Most of them are examples of how effects can be made using combinations of base powers and modifiers however some of them do have unique content. The table includes example features to see only example features see the example features page.

Table: Example Powers

Name Power Cost Summary
Alternate Form Varies See description You can transform into something other than mere flesh and blood.
Blast Damage 2 per rank You can make a damaging ranged attack.
Dazzle Affliction 3 per rank You can overwhelm one of the target's senses.
Element Control Move Object 2 per rank You can control and move a mass of an element like air, earth, or water.
Elongation Growth 3 per rank +1 You can elongate your body and/or limbs to extend your reach.
Energy Aura Damage 3 per rank You can surround your body with an aura of damaging energy or some similar effect.
Energy Control Damage 2 per rank You can generate and project a type of energy in a damaging blast.
Evolutionary Defense Variable 10 per rank Gain defensive traits based on attacks received.
Extra Limbs Feature 1 per rank You have extra manipulative limbs, such as arms, tentacles, or even prehensile hair or a tail.
Find the Path Feature 1 per rank You can find the path to anywhere well known to you.
Fission Feature 1 per rank You may split yourself into as many people as desired at the cost of sharing points.
Force Field Protection 1 per rank You can surround your body with a protective field of energy or force.
Hammerspace Feature 1 per rank You can store anything you carry in a pocket dimension.
Heavy Growth 3 per rank This is Growth for mass only.
Ingrained Powers Feature 1 point Your powers are tied to you and not your body (useful for Mind Switch).
Invisibility Concealment 4 or 8 points You can vanish from sight on demand, gaining total visual concealment, although other senses can still detect you.
Matter Control See description 5 per rank + 24 You can make and shape matter in any way you choose.
Mental Blast Damage 5 per rank You can strike targets' minds with "mental force," inflicting Damage resisted by the target's Will rather than Toughness.
Mental Fission Feature 1 per rank This is extreme multitasking: you can give multiple things 100% of your attention because you have multiple minds.
Mimic Variable 9 per rank You can duplicate the traits of another character you can accurately perceive.
Mind Control Affliction 5 per rank You can impose your will on others, forcing them to obey your commands.
Power-Lifting Enhanced Trait 1 per rank Your lifting and carrying capacity is out of proportion with the rest of your Strength.
Shapeshift Variable 9 per rank You can transform into different forms, gaining the physical traits (abilities, skills, advantages, and powers) of the assumed form.
Sleep Affliction 2 per rank You cause a the target to feel tremendous weariness.
Snare Affliction 3 per rank You can restrain a target.
Suffocation Affliction 4 per rank You render the target unable to breathe.
Sudden Stop Feature 1 point You can stop on a dime: going from any speed to completely stopped in a single action.
Super-Speed See description 3 per rank You gain some speed related traits.
Super-Strength See description 3 per rank You gain some strength related traits.
Trance Feature 1 point Through breathing and bodily control, you can slip into a deep trance.